Segmentation: Picking the city you like
Targeting: Picking the neighborhood you love
Positioning: Taking the bridge to get there
Position Your Business for Success
In the last unit, we went over the importance of picking the best customer segments to target. Now that we've picked them, we need to make our businesses attractive to them. This is where positioning comes in! So, what exactly is positioning? Lynn Lauren, editor of Demand Media, thouroughly describes positioning in the article "What is Positioning in a Marketing Plan?" She states:
"Positioning is a marketing concept that outlines what a business should do to market its product or service to its customers. In positioning, the marketing department creates an image for the product based on its intended audience. This is created through the use of promotion, price, place and product. The more intense a positioning strategy, typically the more effective the marketing strategy is for a company. A good positioning strategy elevates the marketing efforts and helps a buyer move from knowledge of a product or service to its purchase."
In a lot of ways, trying to get customers is similar to trying to get a date. First, you have to have something to offer (good values, humor, passions & interests, etc). Then, you have to look for someone who would be interested in what you have to offer. Finally, you have to find a way to communicate your value to the person you're interested in with the hope that they will go on a date with you. That's what positioning does - it gives you the right lines to say!
Make Your First Impression Last
Put simply, if you want your customers to keep coming back, you will need to build strong relationships with them. To do this, you must position your business in a way that resonates with your customers. The most effective way to position your business is to develop an effective brand!
This article by MyTopBusinessIdeas.com suggests that thoughtfully planning and developing a brand enables a business to:
Communicate it's core values
Stand out from the crowd
Increase customers' loyalty
Influence how your customers think and feel
Secure future business from existing customers
The Anatomy of a Brand
"Products are made in a factory; brands are made in the mind"
Walter Landor, CEO Landor Associates
"The most powerful and lasting brands are built from the heart"
Howard Schultz, CEO Starbucks
"A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn it by trying to do things well"
Jeff Bezos, CEO Amazon

The Foundation of a Good Brand
Open this PowerPoint to learn more about where to begin when building your brand from the ground up.

The Voice of a Brand

Brand Voice Part 1: Character/Personality
Be kind to brands - they have feelings too! Well, sort of. Okay not really, but they do have personalities! The personality of a brand is defined by the way it makes customers think, the emotions they feel, and the things they associate with the company. The brand's personality typically mirror's the personality of its' target customers.
It is important to take time to define what your brand's personality will be. If you don't, you can end up giving it too many personalities, which can be very confusing to your customers. Let's begin by completing the activities and readings below.
Activity: Uncover Your Brand Personality Quiz
How well do you know your brand? Take the quiz to find out!
Reading: A Marketer's Guide to Brand Building
Clear eyes, Full Heart, Let's Brand.
Reading: How to Create Your Brand Personality
Your brand is your friend.
Activity: Build a Pinterest Board for Your Brand
Sooo tell me what you like, what you really really like.
Brand Voice Part 2: Language
It's not just what you say that matters... it's how you say it! It's also why you said it the way you did. The tone of voice you choose to use has a direct effect on how your target audience will feel when you communicate with them through your business. A brand's tone of voice embraces many aspects of communication, including:
The types of words used
The way sentences are structured
The way language flows
Brand Voice Part 3: Tone
It's not just what you say that matters... it's how you say it! It's also why you said it the way you did. The tone of voice you choose to use has a direct effect on how your target audience will feel when you communicate with them through your business. A brand's tone of voice embraces many aspects of communication, including:
The types of words used
The way sentences are structured
The way language flows
Brand Voice Part 4: Purpose
It's not just what you say that matters... it's how you say it! It's also why you said it the way you did. The tone of voice you choose to use has a direct effect on how your target audience will feel when you communicate with them through your business. A brand's tone of voice embraces many aspects of communication, including:
The types of words used
The way sentences are structured
The way language flows